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My Sticker Journal…

Ok, it was suppose to be a sticky journal but I spelled out the word “sticker” on my journal. What is the difference you ask? Marcia Beckett, a mixed media artist and elementary art teacher is doing a challenge. Here is an excerpt from her blog, Dabblings.

There will be weekly link-ups for you to add your sticky art journal pages!

I figured a blog series challenge would keep me focused and might create some excitement for the summer months!  Plus, stickers are so much fun.  When I was a kid, I even started a club called “Sticker Maniacs”.  That didn’t last very long, because the other members weren’t as enthusiastic as I was. 

Here is where I need your help:
I would like to include guest journalers in this series.  If you keep an art journal (or want to start) and you like stickers, then YOU are the person I’m looking for.

“What I will do:  I will send you a small packet of random stickers (free of charge).  I have border stickers, labels, cute stickers, letter stickers, more cute stickers…  All you have to do is use a few of these stickers in an art journal page (or ATC.. or whatever) in a creative way.  Then, you will send me a photo (or write a blog post) and a few sentences about this artwork.  I will include your photo and description in a blog post for this Sticky Journals series (plus a shout out to your blog, of course).  The rest of the stickers are yours to keep.  Would you like to do this?  If so, send your email address and blog address to marciadotcom@yahoo.com.  I will send out 5 packets of fun stickers.”

I was lucky enough to be one of her five and I think she still has a spot or two open, email her and join in the fun. Here is a picture of the journal I have dedicated to this challenge.Image

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